NSI Experts in the News — All Things National Security

National Security Institute
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2021


In a world that is always changing, NSI experts offer insight on critical stories in the news. Please continue reading for their take on the most important breaking stories.

Stewart Baker, NSI Advisory Board member, on the Biden Administration’s decision to restrict American investment in defense and technology companies

“[The U.S. Treasury] has a better place to enforce the ban than the Pentagon because of the regulatory and legal system in place.” Read the full article from Illinois News Today here.

Christopher Ford, NSI Advisory Board member, on early theories about the potential manmade origin of COVID-19 during the Trump Administration

“If we were going to surface this publicly with an adversary power, we needed to be on very solid factual and analytical ground.” Read the full article from the New York Post here.

Gen. Jack Keane, NSI Advisory Board member, on the repeat cyber attacks by Russia on U.S. infrastructure

“What the Russians are doing, they’re conducting a massive cyber warfare campaign as an instrument of their national power. And they’re doing it to undermine Western democracies and disrupt institutions, have people lose confidence in them. And they have a primary and specific focus on the United States.” Read the full interview from YahooNews! here.

Lisa Kaplan, NSI Visiting Fellow, on disinformation groups

“These groups don’t just lie dormant after an election, they shift focus and morph topics to maintain their relevance so they can be activated to achieve the goals of those who control them.” Read the full article from Genetic Literacy Project here.

Mike Rogers, NSI Advisory Board member, on the importance of cyber defense in the Biden Administration

“I would argue that cybersecurity has largely tended to focus on cyberdefense, building nice deep and wide moats, building nice, high-end, strong walls and focusing your efforts on trying to stop an adversary from gaining access…

The second component of cybersecurity is not just cyberdefense, but it’s going to be resilience.” Read the full article from the Economic Times here.

Bryan Ware, NSI Visiting Fellow, on greater transparency in cloud-heavy, software-based 5G networks

“I will say that sometimes adversaries have similar advantages to the good guys and defenders when there is open-source software and when there’s ubiquitous systems in the sense that they get to understand how they’re built, and they get to understand what they’re built out of. They get to see that code… So the transparency is a bit of a double-edged sword, but as a general rule, there are a lot more of the good guys and the guys trying to build good software than there are the bad guys that are trying to do malicious things and so you know, I think it’s generally better.” Read the full article from Nextgov here.

